Die Achilles-Ferse der Nato (NATO’s Achilles heel)

The 100-kilometer-long border between Lithuania and Poland, the so-called Suwalki Gap, is the only land connection between the Baltic states and their NATO allies.

Swiss public broadcaster SRF’s correspondent Peter Voegeli and fixers.press journalist Gil Skorwid went on a six-day bike tour through the Suwalki Gap borderland. Multimedia report Die Achilles-Ferse der Nato (NATO’s Achilles Heel), including 25 minutes audio documentary, and several shorter radio reports Ukraine-Flüchtlinge in Litauen (Ukrainian Refugees in Lithuania), Die Rückkehr der Geschichte in Lazdijai (The Return of History in Lazdijai) were pubished on the SRF in August 2024 and are accessible online globally.