Kaliningrad, ici commence la Russie

Kaliningrad is in Europe. But it's also Russian. The video report Kaliningrad, Russia Starts Here is about the enclave known for its fleet and military bases hosting the World Cup 2018.

The report Kaliningrad, Russia Starts Here (Kaliningrad, ici commence la Russie) was commissioned by the French news media Explicite and produced by Thomas Porlon, Raphaël Badache, and Gil Skorwid during their four days trip to Russia.


We worked with fixers.press in Kaliningrad, on a story about the enclave just before the World Cup in Russia. The fixers were very professional and a very hard worker. He immediately understood the direction of the story and was constantly coming up with new ideas throughout the week we spent working together.

Raphaël Badache, Thomas Porlon

Journalists at Explicite.fr