L’Estonie dépasse la cible de l’OTAN (Estonia exceeds NATO target)

Unlike Canada, Estonia meets, and even exceeds, the NATO target. The small Baltic country of barely 1.5 million inhabitants devotes 2.73% of its GDP to its defense, which places it fourth in the alliance. But in its case, the pressure comes from its Russian neighbor, especially since the invasion of Ukraine.

The team of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio-Canada lead by Raphaël Bouvier-Auclair worked on several news reports for the TV Programme Le téléjournal avec Claudine Bourbonnais (TV News Show with Claudine Bourbonnais). The TV report L’Estonie dépasse la cible de l’OTAN (Estonia exceeds NATO target) and a text story « Nous sommes si près de la frontière russe » : l’Estonie se prépare aux pires scénarios (“We are so close to the Russian border”: Estonia prepares for worst-case scenarios) are available on Radio-Canada online service.