English News Sources in and about Estonia

To stay on top of Estonia’s latest news or to take a deeper dive into the culture, politics, security, or business topics, use the list of publications below.


National news


news.postimees.ee/ – the site of the oldest Estonian print newspaper that covers Estonia’s latest news.

news.err.ee/ – the English-language site of the ERR, the online service of the Estonian public broadcaster that covers Estonia’s latest news.

estonianworld.com/ – the independent online magazine focusing on the achievements of Estonians in technology, and business, that offers some news and comments on the most important events happening in Estonia.

bns.ee/en/ – the site of the Estonian section of the pan-Baltic news agency Baltic News Service. The team behind it offers domestic and international news.
redcircle.com/shows/questoniathe podcast Qeustonia offers an analysis of major events and public discussions happening in Estonia.


News from the region


baltictimes.com/news_estonia/ – the site of the last remaining English language generalist newspaper The Baltic Times. It covers the latest political, economic, business, and cultural events in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Some articles can be accessed free of charge, but the full version is available only to subscribers.

en.rebaltica.lv/ – the English site of the non-profit organisation Baltic Center for Investigative Journalism Re:Baltica. It focuses first and foremost on Latvia but covers the entire Baltic region. The team behind it produces in-depth investigations covering a wide array of topics, such as corruption, crime, finances, entrepreneurship, health, human rights, and disinformation.

bnn-news.com/category/baltics/estonia – a regional news source that offers news from Estonia and analysis of the Baltic economy, business, and political events.

emerging-europe.com/tag/estonia – the news site of the Emerging Europe Alliance for Business Services, Innovation, and Technology. This organisation is an international lobby of businesses, associations, local and national governments, NGOs, and individuals representing former Soviet Bloc countries. The team behind the site offers reports and interviews, and covers the important events in the region.


Commentaries and analysis


balticworlds.com/tags/estonia/ – the online version of the Stockholm-based quarterly magazine Baltic Worlds. The magazine focuses on the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe and contains peer-reviewed analytical texts, features, and interviews by professional freelance writers.

neweasterneurope.eu/tag/estonia/ – the online version of the Warsaw-based bi-monthly print magazine New Eastern Europe that focuses on Central and Eastern European affairs and sometimes publishes exclusive reports or analyses on the Baltic States. Some of the online content is free of charge, but most of the texts are available only to subscribers.

upnorth.eu/category/news/estonia – the web magazine focusing on Northern Europe, that covers politics, foreign policy, music, art, design, architecture, and culture and offers its audience podcasts and videos.


More resources

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The section above is designed for news and documentary makers working in the Northeastern border area of the EU. However, it can be used by anyone consenting to privacy policies and adhering to journalistic standards. Local stories, fact sheets, and forecast reports are free of charge. In the near future, we will be collecting a small fee for accessing reports to be able to improve the service further. At this phase, we offer two or three original publications per month and invite you to reach out to us with questions and feedback.