High-Resolution Images and News Photography from the Baltics

A list of visual databases featuring news snapshots, historical photography, and cultural images from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

The list includes global and local visual databases and catalogues that we consider journalist and filmmaker friendly. It begins with images and news photography platforms covering the Baltic region and continues with regionally categorized entries: national news agencies, audiovisual archives, and historical repositories of visual artefacts. Selections are based on multiple criteria: relevance of data to journalists, researchers, and media makers; trustworthiness and platform usability.

Visuals from the Baltic Region

scanpix.lt, scanpix.lv, scanpix.ee – libraries contain over 21 million digital products: news photography, design images, videos, and graphics from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The use of images is subject to charges based on an individually negotiated contract. Scanpix is owned by OÜ Scanpix Baltics—part of Latvia’s news agency LETA—that is itself owned by the Estonian Postimees Group.

bns.ee/en/services, news.lv/BNS, fotobankas.lt/fotoweb – photobanks are part of the Baltic News Service news agency. They offer extensive collections of news-related images covering significant events in the Baltics. Users can opt for unlimited access to the photo database through a permanent use contract or place orders for specific events. Baltic News Service is owned by Estonian Postimees Group.

vidapress.eephoto agency Vida Press offers an independent library of over 100 million high-quality images covering current events, entertainment, sports, history, and more. It is designed to serve journalists and media professionals. Access is limited to registered business accounts and services are subject to fees. The service is managed by a local Estonian company Vida Press OÜ.

pictures.reuters.com – news agency Reuters offers an extensive multimedia library. The library contains pictures, videos, and graphics sourced from the Baltics. Registration is required and is available only to businesses. With the exception of their creative use collection that can be freely used for commercial purposes, all services are paid. There is a preview access option at Reuters Connect. The service is owned by Thomson Reuters Corporation.

afpforum.commultimedia service of Agence France-Presse offers photos, videos, graphics, and other products that cover the Baltics. Registration is required, and the service provides three payment plans: an annual subscription, a monthly plan with a predefined quota, and a pay-per-unit option. A free trial is available. AFP holds a special status as a public corporation and upholds a mission to serve public interest.

newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videosthe Associated Press Newsroom provides access to over 60 million selected photos, videos, and graphics. The platform offers coverage of the Baltic States. Access options include: core collection, premier collection, and an enterprise subscription. Registration is required, and services are subject to fees. The service is managed by a not-for-profit cooperative owned by U.S. news and broadcasting businesses.

Visuals from Lithuania

elta.lt/en/photos – ELTA news agency’s photography service is focused on current news and contains over a million archival pictures. The use of images is subject to charges based on an individually negotiated contract with an option for a trial period of two weeks. ELTA is owned by the Estonian Ekspress Group.

e-kinas.lt/newsarchive offers over 229 hours of moving images and a large depository of photography. The library is easily searchable and can be explored without registration or charges. Ordering high-definition copies requires signing up and is subject to fees. The archival service is an essential part of Lithuania’s cultural commons ecosystem and is managed by the Lithuanian Central State Archives.

photography.lt/en/archive.htmlshowcases Lithuanian art and documentary photography, featuring over 14 thousand pictures and graphics. Access to the platform is free of charge and does not require registration. The repository is owned and maintained by the Lithuanian Photographers’ Association.

limis.ltLithuanian Integral Museum Information System offers high-resolution images, videos, and 3D models showcasing cultural heritage stored at museums in Lithuania. Access to the service is free of charge and does not require registration. The platform is part of Lithuania’s cultural commons and is managed by the Lithuanian National Museum of Art.

Visuals from Latvia

leta.lv/photo/LETA_latest – Latvia’s only news agency LETA offers current news photography and a vast archive of news-related images. All content is accessible only to subscribers or based on individual agreements. LETA is owned by the Estonian Postimees Group.

digitalabiblioteka.lv/?set_lang=en – the Digital Library of Latvia provides access to a diverse collection of images, drawings, posters, and video recordings that reflect the nation’s cultural heritage. Registration is not required and access is free of charge. The service is an important element of Latvia’s cultural commons ecosystem and is managed by the National Library of Latvia.

filmas.lv/en – platform offers access to all Latvian films since the early 20th century, along with film stills and posters. It also offers a collection of digitally restored films free of charge. Registration is not required. The service is part of Latvia’s cultural commons and is managed by the National Film Center of Latvia.

kulturaskanons.lv/en – is a curated collection of the nation’s most significant and treasured cultural and artistic artefacts across various fields and eras. Registration is not required and access is free of charge. The service highlights Latvia’s cultural commons and is managed by the Latvian Ministry of Culture.

redzidzirdilatviju.lv/en – an audiovisual archive See, Hear Latvia! contains film, photography, and audio recordings from the mid-19th century to the present. It is open to everyone, but a large part of it is only accessible online, from the territory of Latvia, or while visiting the physical archive. The platform is controlled by the Latvian State Archives of Audiovisual Documents.

Visuals from Estonia

pildiait.erm.ee – is the Estonian National Museum’s archive that contains a comprehensive collection of photography produced by both the public and professional photographers. Registration is not required and access is free of charge. The service is an integral part of the cultural commons ecosystem in Estonia and is managed by the Estonian National Museum.

meediateek.ee/en/site/index – archive offers historical photos and videos representing the cultural and everyday life of Estonia’s population. Related platform Fotis allows users to browse photography works using the soviet inventory lists. Registration is not required and access is free of charge. The service is an essential element of Estonia’s cultural commons and is managed by the Estonian National Archives.

The list includes the most trusted and media-friendly archives of images & news photography from the Baltics. It was compiled by human beings—please make sure to always check the accuracy of the content found on the listed databases independently. For further assistance please contact us at team@fixers.press

More resources

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