Lithuania’s Open Data Platforms and Digital Libraries
A list of open data platforms and digital libraries you want to know about when reporting on or researching Lithuania.
Among the Baltic states, Lithuania has the biggest number of publicly accessible data platforms and digital libraries. However, the information on them is provided in a rather disorganised manner. Lithuania’s list encompasses: statistics and open datasets; databases of legal, geospatial, and historical documents; election data, company and civil servant registers; and a dedicated registry of information providers.
This is not a complete list, but rather a curated set of the most important and user-friendly sources of information available. We compiled it thinking about the relevance to journalists and media makers as well as accessibility criteria. All the data on the listed platforms is part of a commons collectively owned by the Lithuanian people—except if noted otherwise.
Official Statistics Portal offers general statistics, and multiple datasets focused on demographics, economy, environment, science, technology, and many other topics. Additional data is provided separately on the Open Datasets platform. Both services are managed by the State Data Agency of Lithuania, which is supervised by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Lithuania’s Open Data Portal holds almost two thousand datasets from almost two hundred public sector organisations. Topics covered range from the environment, economy and culture, to health, and public administration. It is managed by the Committee for the Development of the Information Society under the Ministry of Economy and Innovation. is Lithuania’s largest digital culture heritage platform, offering access to antique books, periodicals, audio recordings, sheet music, audiovisual documents, and maps. It is managed by Lithuania’s National Library.
Electronic Archive Information System lists digitised inventories and provides access to some resources previously available only in archives, all over Lithuania. It also offers some additional services, such as an individual name search engine. The platform is managed by the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania. is Lithuania’s digital library system that links over one thousand libraries and offers around 10 million bibliographic records. The records include print and online newspapers, magazines, multimedia, maps, and periodicals. It is managed by Lithuania’s National Library.
Infolex offers a legal codes and acts database, as well as updates on court practices, expert commentary, weekly reviews, and discussion. It is only available in Lithuanian and is managed by local news publisher Verslo Žinios, the bulk of shares of which are owned by the private company Bonnier News Business.
Seimas Legal Acts Database contains all state and municipal regulatory documents; together with legislative acts and draft amendments. It is managed by the Office of Lithuania’s Parliament and available only in Lithuanian.
Open Courts platform offers a comprehensive database integrating statistics, data visualisations, detailed information on court cases, judges, court employees, budgets, and many other aspects of the judicial system. It is operated by the National Judicial Administration.
Centre of Registers offers databases for real estate, legal entities, addresses, demographics, mortgages, wills, marriage settlements, cadastral surveys, and maps. The platform’s management is undertaken as the main activity of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers, which is supervised by Lithuania’s Ministry of Economy and Innovation.
Open Data Page of the Electoral Commission offers datasets on elections, including voting results, constituencies, demographics, details on candidates, campaign finances, and advertising. The separate Voter’s Page offers voter-centric services, such as voter registration, and polling locations. Both services are managed by Lithuania’s Central Electoral Commission.
Vilnius Open Data initiative provides access to various datasets relevant to Vilnius’ urban development. You will find resident information, legal entity records, holiday calendars, and also data on city governance. It is managed by Vilnius Municipality. offers an enormous amount of general information and maps relevant to land management. However, it also holds some specialised datasets, such as a map of cultural heritage objects, and a collection of historical orthophotographic maps. It is owned by the Construction Sector Development Agency of Lithuania.
Karštos Pėdos is a transparency tool that visualises the interconnections of politicians, civil servants, businesses, and public finances. It is managed by two NGOs: and Media4Change.
PINREG or Private Interest Registry is a civil servants’ declarations database that provides details on family connections, loans, and other relevant information on individuals who work in official state positions. The database is managed by The Supreme Commission of Official Ethics and is available only in Lithuanian.
VIRSIS (Information system of the Producers and Disseminators of Public Information) provides general information about news outlets and all kind of information producers operating in Lithuania: their management, funding, and possible professional violations. There is an option to download this information as datasets. The platform is managed by Lithuania’s Ministry of Culture.
The Tax Inspectorate holds general information about taxpayers, companies, political organisations, and tax statistics. Although much of this data is not publicly accessible a selection is provided in open data format. The platform is managed by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania.
The list was compiled by human beings—please make sure to always check the accuracy of the content found on the listed platforms independently. For further assistance, please contact us at
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